WORKBOOK and SUMMARY for How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (Book Tigers Workbooks 1)
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Would you like to have more friends? Would you like to be able to influence personal and business relationships to your advantage? This book will show you exactly how to do it! We all want to have friends and to have successful business relationships but sometimes it can be a challenge to do it, especially if we are not from the same backgrounds. Knowing how to deal effectively with different people and having the confidence to interact effectively with them is a key skill for all of us if we want to get on in life and it can be learned quite quickly when you have the rights tools at your disposal. Inside the pages of Workbook and Summary for How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie you will find out how he accomplished his goals and can help you reach yours, with chapters about: The fundamentals of dealing with others How to get people to like you Making a great first impression Learning the art of conversation Avoid making enemies Admitting your mistakes and when you are wrong Developing leadership qualities And much more… This how-to-win friends and influence people book is a great place to start if you want to make serious changes in your life that will change the way you interact with the people you come into contact with. It provides top tips on how you can influence others and get them to see you as someone they would want to know, giving you the best chances of ultimate success in whatever you do! ***And now, when you buy this great book, you will receive another completely free of charge.*** Now scroll up and grab your copy.
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