A Passport to God
$8.49 $9.99

A Passport to God by Richard Holmberg


A Passport to God is a collection of flash fiction with twisted endings. One hundred ninety-six parables and fables cover a range of controversial subjects. 

Surely the stories will provoke a myriad of emotions and thoughts. They are perfect if you are on a quest for inner development. Consider these stories as a way to challenge your own beliefs and superstitions about God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 

Each story includes a brief explanation and application. Perhaps you don't agree with these. Write a different interpretation and see where it leads you. Use the stories as a fun and fast way to ignite a conversation. They are perfect for pastors, family gatherings, and social groups. Quotes from the Old and New Testaments reinforce many of the stories and are great drop-off points for reflection or a gateway to the Bible.

Prices listed are for the Amazon Kindle

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