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Moon Energy: A practical guide to experiencing moon magic and flowing with the phases of the moon.
by Sofia Hator
Are you looking for powerful ways to increase your earthly connection to your spiritual self? Would you like to use small, enjoyable, and easy rituals that will cleanse your spirit and give you a healthy life? If you believe that nature or the moon, in particular, can help you achieve this, then look no further; you’ve found the perfect book! It’s a fact: the moon influences our behavioral patterns, health, and emotional wellbeing. For as long as humanity has been in existence, different cultures from around the world have been using the power of the moon to attain healing and rebirth of self. The author, Sofia Hator, is an Initiated Priestess, Mother, and Spiritual seeker who is going to use her knowledge, experience, and ability to feel subtle energies that will help you uncover the power and presence of the moon! From this comprehensive guide, you’ll be better equipped to read tarot cards, practice mediations, and exercise self-care! This book is for people who want to heal, learn about the deeper mysteries of the universe, or break destructive patterns in their life. Inside Moon Energy, you’ll discover: The nine phases of the moon and how they can help you connect with yourself spiritually, unblock some chakras, identify patterns ahead of time, and make relevant plans for your future. Compelling ways that you can use nature to release negative energies and feelings, and surrender to the powers of the universe. How to connect new dreams with your current visions through stating your intentions, exploring new ideas, and using vision boards. How to form a better relationship with yourself by acknowledging your thoughts, recognizing your feelings, and living your truth. Powerful moon rituals that you can integrate into your life now to attain a transformed and healthy life instantly! You’re about to transition into a new phase of your life where every cycle is going to enable you to manifest anything you put your mind to. The moon is our planet’s companion, and now, you can invite it into your life too! Are you ready to live a meaningful life using the power and energy of the moon? Read MoonEnergy now!
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Book Length:
60-150 Pages
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