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NFT Investing for Beginners to Advanced, Make Money; Buy, Sell, Trade, Invest in Crypto Art, Create Digital Assets, Earn Passive income in Cryptocurrency, … to Advanced The Ultimate Handbook Book 2)
by Nft Art
Do YOU want to make money investing in NFT’s? Then keep reading… Do you recall (in 1999) everyone had said the Internet was a fad... And yet during the pandemic (in 2020) the British public demanded Internet access as a human right! Yes, just 20 years later the Internet became a human need! The game is stragetic long term investment- Imagine what NFT’s will be like in the near future! Right now, do you know Millions are being made, invested and held in NFT’s! World renown auction house Christies sold a NFT for $69 million Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet as an NFT for $2.9 million Grimes the artist sold $6 million worth of digital art The list is endless… Celebrities, athletes, pop-stars, even social media influencers like GARY VEE have started creating their own NFT’s. – Because they know the potential is HUGE! This book is the complete full cycle of making money with NFT’s. In this book you will discover: Most reputable marketplaces to purchase NFT’s Where to create and mint your own NFT’s How to invest; short, mid & long term Full 360 knowledge – everything about NFTs How to make and sell your own NFTs How to start re-selling or trading NFTs How to avoid risk and invest long term Plus much, much more! This book is the complete practical easy to read and follow guide for beginners to invest in NFTs. Click Add to Cart Now!
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