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Preparing your Daughter for Puberty: The Ultimate Guide for Parents (Growing Up Books)
by Femplete LTD
Is it time to talk about sexuality with your kids? With this simple-to-implement method, you can get rid of the awkwardness. Do you dislike having "The Talk" with your children? Are you having trouble starting a conversation about puberty with your rapidly maturing children? Do you feel unprepared to assist your children in learning about their changing bodies? When should I start discussing sex and relationships with my child? What are some age-appropriate topics to discuss? How can I get over my awkwardness? Sex is a necessary part of existence; none of us would exist without it. However, when addressing sex and relationships with their children, parents frequently remain silent and avoid the subject. This simple book will walk you through every area of sex education, from how and when to start talking about sex with your child to teenage pregnancy, safe sex, and the emotional components of sexual relationships. There are ideas and recommendations on encouraging your child to talk to you, advice on dealing with complex themes, and essential information on STIs, contraception, and how to deal with cyberbullying and peer pressure. Preparing your daughter for puberty. The ultimate guide for Parents is a practical manual that helps make sense of this tough period, with guidance for parents and guardians, checklists, and discussion points. Use the handbook as a continuing resource for sex education and a quick reference.
Amazon - US
Book Length:
150-320 Pages
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