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Chakra Energy: A Practical Guide to Feeling and Working With Your Chakras
by Sofia Hator
Are you a spiritual person who would like to increase their energy? Want to be able to break out of destructive patterns? Are you ready to empower yourself and start chasing your dreams? If your answer is yes to the questions above, then this book is for you! It’s frustrating to be told that you should ‘already know’ how to find your chakras or shift your energy. No amount of yoga, changing your diet, or using essential oils is going to help if you don’t receive the right information and guidance. Believe it or not, everything around you is energy, including you too! You should never underestimate the power of working with the energy that flows in your body. It will rebuild your self-esteem, improve your health, and create a vibrancy within and all around you that will be so strong it will shine out to others! There is evidence that learning to work with energy, unblocking and balancing your chakras and connecting with your energy can take you past your individual spiritual level. Not only will you connect with the essence of yourself, but you will also be more loving toward yourself and others. This is where your spiritual self grows to connect into unity consciousness. You’ll improve your mental clarity and upgrade your physical health systems. You will now be capable of living the life you have always wanted. This book is for anyone looking for easy and practical ways to learn about chakras and how to use their energy to get favorable results in their lives! Inside Chakra Energy, you’ll discover: Over ten effective techniques that you can start practicing now to access energy, even if it’s going to be your first time! How to easily find and feel your chakras Ways to empower yourself so that you take charge of your reality Imagine being able to finally find your chakras, set your energy on the right level, and use your power to make productive changes in your life. The time has come for you to take charge of your spirituality and energy field. No more fluff, complex descriptions, and ineffective methods!
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Book Length:
60-150 Pages
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