Heal Your Witch Wound: A Magickal Depth Approach to Reclaiming Creative and Intuitive Potency and Reawakening the Feminine Soul Voice.
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What if there was a secret part of you connected to oracular consciousness and even to creative genius? What if you’ve been shamed out of your connection to this part because of how damn powerful and dangerous it makes you? The radical claim of Healing Your Witch Wound by Annalise Oatman is that there is, and you have been. Furthermore, you can reclaim your connection to this secret part of you.

As a Jungian-influenced licensed clinical social worker with nearly a decade of experience working directly with trauma and other forms of mental and emotional distress, Oatman has brought her mental health expertise to bear in a personal, innovative and feminine way. Written with an intellectual rigor that comes across not as an academic voice, but as a feminine soul voice, Heal Your Witch Wound is high quality food and medicine for our collective hunger for magick and enchantment.

In this book, you’ll discover:

  • How the witch wound lives on in your own life and in the modern clinic
  • How to develop “other” ways of knowing and healing (including those considered psychic or magickal)
  • How to enlist otherworldly support in your journey towards wholeness
  • How you can do your part in allowing Beauty to save the world
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