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Weight Loss: 100 Weight Loss Tips: Lose Weight and Maintain Healthy Weight Loss through Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle
by Nicholas Bjorn
DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT FAST, STARTING RIGHT NOW? THIS BOOK WILL LET YOU IN ON THE SECRET... Making the decision to lose weight is easy, because let’s face it, everyone wants to look good! However, it’s having the commitment and dedication to follow through on your decision that presents the challenge. The need to not only control your diet but to also exercise regularly can be daunting, which is why many people quit, or worse, never even start at all! Don’t you wish that someone could just tell you the exact and detailed steps to follow, so that you can start losing weight and stay motivated while doing so? Well, this book has got you covered. This book will teach you, in simple and easy-to-understand terms, how you can start losing weight today by revealing 100 QUICK and EASY weight loss tips! All of these tips are specifically aimed to help you throughout your weight loss journey, from when you are getting started up until you’ve lost those extra pounds and are looking to maintain your ideal weight. Here’s what this book will teach you: Why you need to lose weight beyond just trying to look good How losing weight benefits you Which foods to avoid What food choices you should make Plus all the weight loss tips and bonus recipes you get: 40 Excellent diet tips 20 Fabulous exercise tips 20 Great lifestyle tips 20 Amazing tips for weight loss maintenance Bonus recipes to get you started on your healthy diet today! You will never be able to get a tip list as comprehensive as this one anywhere else. Knowing and following all the tips in this book will surely get you on your way to reaching your weight loss goals! Act right now! DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY TODAY!
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Book Length:
60-150 Pages
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